Nathan Innocente
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
Professor Nathan Innocente specializes in criminology, the sociology of professions, and teaching and learning. His criminological research encompasses fraud, organizations, and punishment. He studies the relationship between changes in organizational contexts and the emergence of new opportunities for fraud. His research brings together elements of institutionalism, identity crime, and strain to explain the perpetration of mortgage fraud and the ways in which fraud is used to achieve homeownership. His prior research on punishment uses parole and youth sanctions to study questions of gender, punishment, and the role of community in criminal sanctions. His current pedagogical research explores research ethics in the scholarship of teaching and learning. In addition, he studies the efficacy of problem-based learning pedagogy in criminology and sociology. His research on professions highlights how changing institutional contexts expose segments of the legal profession to competition from nonprofessional occupations, and the strategies professionals use to retain control over their work.
Professor Innocente teaches courses in criminology and socio-legal studies, crime and organizations, and identity crime, as well as introduction to sociology and experiential learning. He also teaches on organizational and psychological aspects of white-collar crime for the Master of Forensic Accounting program.
Innocente, Nathan and Jayne Baker. 2018. “The Sociology Teaching Fellowship: A Mentorship Model for Graduate Student Teacher Training.” Teaching Sociology 46(4):335-345. https://doi.org/10.1177/0092055X18791686
Marinos, Voula, Nathan Innocente, and Christine Goodwin. 2018. “Giving Voice: Prioritizing Youth Agency in Criminal Justice Diversion.” In The Sociology of Childhood and Youth in Canada, edited by Xiaobei Chen, Rebecca Raby, and Patrizia Albanese. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Hyde, Carolyn, Voula Marinos, and Nathan Innocente. 2016. “What Do Meaningful Consequences and Fair and Proportionate Accountability Mean to Youth Offered Extrajudicial Sanctions in Ontario?” Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 58(2):194-220. http://doi.org/10.3138/cjccj.2014.E33
Hannah-Moffat, Kelly and Nathan Innocente. 2013. “To Thrive or Simply Survive: Parole and the Post-release Needs of Canadian Women Existing Prison.” In Women Exiting Prison: Critical Essays on Gender, Post-release Support and Survival, edited by Bree Carlton and Marie Segrave. New York: Routledge.
Marinos, Voula and Nathan Innocente. 2008. “Factors Influencing Police Attitudes Towards Extrajudicial Measures under the YCJA.” Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 50(4):469-489. https://doi.org/10.3138/cjccj.50.4.469