Anuar Rodrigues
Room:DV 3216-G
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L1C6
Anuar Rodrigues earned his PhD at the University of Toronto. Following a postdoctoral fellowship at the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, he rejoined U of T where he worked in progressively senior positions at UTM, most recently as the Director of Academic Planning, Policy, and Research in the Office of Vice-Principal Academic & Dean. In January 2020, he joined U of T’s Office of the Vice-President & Provost as Director, Strategic Projects & Initiatives, where he worked cross-functionally with representatives from multiple Vice-Presidential and Vice-Provostial portfolios to support the successful realization of major plans and priorities.
At the start of the pandemic, Anuar stepped up into a new role as U of T’s Senior Lead, COVID-19 Strategy and Implementation, in which capacity he helped coordinate a safe and effective pandemic response for academic and non-academic units across the tri-campus. Drawing on his comprehensive understanding of U of T and the post-secondary sector, as UTM’s Director of Strategy, Anuar provides core leadership in developing, implementing, and advancing the campus’s strategic priorities. Collaborating with teams across UTM and the tri-campus system, Anuar also acts as a top advisor on administrative issues, financial and business plans, and university policy and procedure.