NeuroSeminar Series

*NEW: Prof. Baohua Liu & Prof Ted Erclik's NEURO-seminars

Prof. Baohua Liu and Prof. Ted Erclik from the Department of Biology invites all grad students and post doctoral fellows to the newly created NEURO-seminars.

The seminars will run on a monthly basis, usually at 10-11:30am on Wed, with 2 speakers per meeting. Talks are ~25 minutes in length with up to 10 minutes for discussion. 

The neuro-seminars are a venue where trainees at UTM can present their ongoing work on projects in neurobiology (including circuit analysis, physiology, behaviour, evolution and development). They provide an opportunity for all of us to hear about and discuss the amazing neurobiology research that our colleagues at UTM are conducting. They also provide a great opportunity for our trainees to gain experience communicating their science to others.

Presentations of either developed or early stories are suitable for these meetings.


The Neuro-Seminar Series kicks off on Wednesday, November 10, from 10 am-11:30am


Gilda Stefanelli, from Zovkic Lab

Luca Finetti, from Lange & Orchard Labs