These are the top blog posts from the Marine Ecology class, BIO376. Congratulations to the authors!
Jack Hamilton
A Conservation Report On The Whale Shark, Natures Gentle Giant
Britney Tran
Hands Off My Gill Plates! The Overexploitation of Manta Rays
Zeba Maruwala
Coral Bleaching and Genetic Modified Coral Restoration
Sophie Mosler
Sabrina Cam
Going Once, Going Twice, and It's Gone: The Effects of Ocean Acidification on Sea Urchin Larvae
Irem Selin Ozdemir
The Hawksbill Sea Turtle: A Critically Endangered Species’ Battle with Climate Change
Laura Rumeo
The Impacts of Bycatch on Hammerhead Sharks: Why They Should Fear Us More Than We Fear Them