Graduate Awards


Roberta Bondar Graduate Student Excellence Award

On recommendation of the Department of Biology, University of Toronto Mississauga, the Roberta Bondar Graduate Student Excellence Award is to recognize outstanding Ph.D. candidate(s) at the Department of Biology who are UTM affiliated in honor of their demonstration of outstanding research excellence and positive contributions to extracurricular activities that enhance community life at UTM. Winners

The Alvin Singh Graduate Teaching Assistant Excellence Award

The Alvin Singh Graduate Teaching Assistant Excellence Award has been established in 2020 in memory of Alvin Singh by the UTM Biology Department with generous contributions from faculty, students, staff, family and friends.

Hottest Paper Award

The Student Hottest Paper Award is presented annually to a UTM Biology Graduate Student who published the “hottest” paper in the preceding calendar year.

First Paper Award

The Department of Biology has created the “First Paper Award” to recognize a major accomplishment in a graduate student’s research career, the publication of a first-authored paper.  This award will be given to each student at the time they publish their first lead authored paper based on research completed as a graduate student at UTM in the Department of Biology.

Excellence in Service Award

The award recognizes outstanding achievements by graduate students who have made significant and sustained contributions to the Department of Biology and the broader graduate student community. The award is designed to honor those exceptional individuals who have gone above and beyond their academic and research responsibilities to improve the student experience, inspire others and promote a collaborative and supportive work and learning environment.
Graduate students enrolled in a thesis-based research stream program (e.g. CSB and EEB MSc and PhD students) who are UTM affiliated and are supervised by a Biology faculty member.

Arabinda Guha Graduate Research Scholarship in Cellular and Molecular Biology

To be awarded upon the recommendation of the Biology Department to the outstanding M.Sc. candidate entering the graduate program in either Botany, Zoology, Microbiology or Biochemistry, whose research activities are located on the UTM Campus.

Joseph Svoboda Award

As per the Department of Biology, University of Toronto Mississauga's recommendation, the Joseph Svoboda Award aims to acknowledge exceptional Ph.D. candidates affiliated with UTM's Department of Biology, with a prerequisite that candidates must be studying Ecology to be eligible.


Nasha Sethna

  • 2021-2022 - Sherry Du (Murray Lab)
  • 2020-2021 - Imaan Jeewa (Levine Lab) & Osama Abdalla (Cheng Lab)
  • 2019-2020 -  Tea Maho (Reisz Lab) & Anhadvir Singh (Senatore Lab)
  • 2018-2019 - Sigi Maho (Reisz Lab)
  • 2017-2018 – Priscilla Valentino (Erclik Lab)
  • 2016-2017 – Wassim Elkhaitb (Senatore Lab)