Monday, March 13, 2017
Noon – 1:30 p.m.
University of Toronto Mississauga
Room 1102, Spigel Hall, William G. Davis Building (MAP)
Whether you're curious about studying medicine or have your heart set on becoming a doctor, this Backpack to Briefcase brings you face-to-face with a panel of experts and students from the U of T Faculty of Medicine, Physician Assistant and Medical Radiation Sciences programs.
Learn what to expect during the admissions process, how to explore your career and decide on a specialty during medical school, and get a first-hand perspective of life in medical school from a current student studying at the Mississauga Academy of Medicine at UTM.
Registration is closed.
Carol Bisnath, BA'91, MEd'04, Career Counsellor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Jessie Metcalfe, Associate Registrar, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Elizabeth Whitmell, Program Manager, Physician Assistant Program, Department of Family & Community Medicine, University of Toronto
Dr. Sameer Masood, Resident Physician, Emergency Medicine, MPH Candidate, Harvard University and Founding Partner, MD Consultants
Elizabeth Christy, MRS Program, Enrolment Services – Undergraduate Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Leo Akioyamen, MD Candidate, Class of 2019, University of Toronto
Justin Boyle, MD Candidate, Class of 2020, University of Toronto
Backpack to Briefcase is hosted by Alumni Relations in partnership with the UTM Career Centre and the University of Toronto Mississauga Alumni Association.
Please contact Alumni Relations if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you.
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