A smiling female student works at a table

UTM moves first-term Summer courses online

Blake Eligh

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, U of T Mississauga will offer all first-term summer courses online.

The move to the digital classroom comes as the university complies with physical distancing measures required by the provincial State of Emergency.

Vice Principal, Academic & Dean Amrita Daniere announced the changes on Wednesday, March 25, saying that the shift will initially affect the first term summer courses, which run from May to June.

“The vast majority of Summer offerings are available online,” said Daniere, noting that many courses are currently available for registration.

Daniere also acknowledged that some courses cannot be effectively offered online. Students who are registered for those classes will be notified by Monday, April 6 with further information. Some courses may be cancelled, while others may be rescheduled to the second summer term, which runs from July to August.

Daniere says the university hopes to offer in-person courses beginning in the second Summer term.

“At present, we are unable to confirm whether or not this will be possible,” she said. “We will provide further details about the July-August offerings as soon as more information becomes available.

“If the course in which you are registered has been cancelled, we hope that you will find an acceptable substitute from among the many remaining and available options.”

Daniere thanked students for continued flexibility. “We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused as you plan for your summer.”

Students may add or drop courses for the Summer session according to scheduled session dates. Please visit the website for the Office of the Registrar for further details: