Seethaler, Sherry
BSc, 1993
Sherry Seethaler leads education initiatives and teaches research communications at the University of California, San Diego, and was the Science Questions Answered columnist for the San Diego Union-Tribune for more than seven years. Her books Lies, Damned Lies, and Science (FT Press Science) and Curious Folks Ask 1 & 2 (FT Press Science), have been translated into several languages. Her forthcoming book, Beyond the Sage on the Stage (to be published by University of Toronto Press), bridges the gulf between scholarship and practice to inform communication about science, health, the environment and other complex, sometimes controversial, issues. She is trained in the physical sciences (B.Sc. in chemistry and biochemistry, University of Toronto, Mississauga '93), life sciences (M.S. and M. Phil. in neurobiology, Yale University) and learning sciences (Ph.D. in science education, University of California, Berkeley).
What advice would give to undergraduate women who are interested in pursuing a career in STEM?
Pursuing a degree in science lays a strong intellectual foundation that will open doors. Don't worry if you are not sure what you want to do "next." Just seize every opportunity to grow and to learn and you will forge your own path.