NEW Course Resource Implications Form

This form must be completed for all new course proposals submitted for Curriculum Committee review with the exception of new ROP, thesis and independent study courses.

NEW Course Resource Implication Form

Must contain 8 characters, i.e. UTM123H5.
New courses should be proposed by a permanent faculty member within your academic unit. This proposed instructor will be responsible for the creation of the course content and oversee the development of the course in the first 3-5 years of its offerings.
Will the faculty member teach this course every year?
Is this course required for a program(s)?
Please identify the programs for which the proposed course is required for program entry or program completion. Format - program name; program level; subject post code (e.g. Cinema Studies Major ERMAJ0797). One line per program.
Will this course increase the Department's/ Unit's net course offerings?

i.e. the total number of courses to be offered in a given academic year; not the total number of courses in the calendar

Proposed Offering Term
TA Resources - Will TA resources be required for this course?
Once the new course has been approved through governance, please ensure that a copy of the TA rationale is emailed to
Space Requirements - Please specify any classroom/space needs required for this course.
If lab space is required, departments must be flexible with their scheduling of practical sections.
International Component - Will this course feature an international component?
If this course features an international component (either required or optional), please contact Veronica Vasquez, IEC Director ( to coordinate.
Library & Technical Resources - Will this course require new/additional resources from the library or require special technical assistance?

If this course requires specific technological support or acquisition of technology, please contact Rebecca Tunney, Program & Curriculum Assistant ( to coordinate.

If specific library resourcing is required, please contact Dany Savard, Interim Chief Librarian ( to coordinate.

Please enter the e-mail address where you would like confirmation of submission sent. 
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