With the anticipated expansion of the Centre’s activities in the future, we have ambitions to engage in the following activities:
Knowledge Dissemination and Translation:
As the world grows ever smaller, it has become increasingly important that knowledge reaches beyond national borders and linguistic barriers. For the knowledge generated by our faculty to have the greatest impact and dissemination among the communities being studied, translation is essential. Should we be successful in fundraising, these funds would be used to support translations of relevant faculty research into the languages of South Asia and to support the translation and dissemination of primary sources and research written in South Asian languages into English in order to foster greater understanding of South Asia’s vibrant cultural legacy. Publications arising out of this fund will be disseminated through scholarly journals, web-based publishing options including T-Space, and through CSAC’s own website.
Faculty and Student Exchanges:
Increasingly, India and its neighbours in South Asia are making a global impact, and it is incumbent on our faculty and students to spend time in South Asia, learn from their experiences there, share their own knowledge, and then enrich our campus when they return. Equally, we need to invite students and faculty from South Asia to join us at UTM so that a vibrant intellectual exchange is fostered. The Centre will facilitate such exchange in collaboration with the UTM community and variety of South Asian Institutions.