Daoye Zhu

Daoye Zhu

Post Doctoral Fellow
Geography, Geomatics and Environment

Research and Professional Interests

Geospatial Big Data, GeoAI Applications, Geographic Information Engineering 


Daoye Zhu is a Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Geography, Geomatics and Environment at the University of Toronto. He obtained his PhD in Data Science (Computer Science and Technology) from the Center for Data Science of Peking University in 2022. He was a Visiting Scholar in the Lab of Interdisciplinary Spatial Analysis (LISA Lab) at the University of Cambridge from 2020 to 2021 and a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Geographic Analysis (CGA) of Harvard University from 2021 to 2022. And he worked as a Research Associate at the CGA of Harvard University from 2022 to 2023. His research interests mainly include geospatial big data, GeoAI applications, and geographic information engineering. 

Visiting Fellow, Harvard University
PhD, Peking University


Research Supervisor / Mentor
Dr. Yuhong He & Dr. Kent Moore