Class of 2020: Joelle Campbell

Joelle Campbell

Name: Joelle Campbell

Program: Specialist in Anthropology (Science) and a Minor in Forensic Science

City: I am from the small town of Alliston, Ontario

Post-graduation plans: This fall, I am starting a Master of Teaching program at OISE, which I am very excited about!

Most memorable time: The Fall Campus Days that I was a part of was always my favourite event at UTM because talking to people about why they should come to our school always allowed me to reflect on the things that I love about UTM, the things that made me choose to come to UTM in the first place.

Most important thing you learned at UTM: The most important thing that I learned at UTM is that you are never alone. There is always a community of people behind you, even if you do not know that their support is there.

Inspirational message: Change your mind, and change it a thousand times more. We'll figure out what we're doing as we go.

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