Class of 2020: Ben-chanowk Jamir

Ben-chanowk Jamir

Name: Ben-chanowk Jamir

Program: Forensic Anthropology Specialist

City: Scarborough, ON

Post-graduation plans: I hope to pursue a career in policing or community development Most memorable time: The years I spent as a residence don. From all the lovely people I met, to the interesting situations I managed with while on duty, the experiences I had were nothing short of unforgettable.

Most important thing you learned at UTM: Reaching out for help is one of the most courageous and beneficial things you can do. Whether related to academics, mental health, or figuring how to work a gym machine, there are tons of people and resources there to support you. You just have to be willing to take the step forward and ask.

Inspirational message: To my fellow graduates, I would like to say that University has changed a lot from when we first started. Our hard work, grit and passion got us through it all. Stay dedicated and the same hard work, grit and passion will start to change the universe.

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