You are invited to join the Infant and Child Studies Centre Interest List at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). The purpose of the interest list is to invite families with children under 18-years-old to take part in psychology studies conducted at UTM. You will be asked whether you are interested in participating in online studies, in person studies, or both kinds of studies.
Our Research
Our researchers study child development: how children develop their abilities to communicate with others through language and music, how they think and reason about the physical and social world, how they interact with other people, and how they think and feel about those interactions.
Eligibility Criteria
To sign up your child, you must:
(1) Be at least 18 years of age (no maximum age) and the legal guardian of the child/children you are signing up. Children must be under 18-years-old.
(2) Have an email address and/or a telephone number by which you can be contacted.
Potential Benefits and Risks
As a research participant, it is likely you will learn more about various topics in psychology and about how researchers study concepts in psychology.
Signing up for the interest list is voluntary. The risks involved in signing up are no more than you would face in other situations when submitting contact information or other personal information to a secure online site.
Your information is stored confidentially in an encrypted, password-protected database housed in Canada. Your contact information will only be available to trained researchers from the Infant and Child Studies Centre who are running studies approved by the university’s Research Ethics Board. Your information is provided to researchers for the sole purpose of enabling them to invite you to a study by email or telephone; it is your choice to accept or decline their invitation. We will never sell or share your personal information to any third parties.
You do not have to provide us with any information you do not wish to disclose. When you take part in studies, any individual data you provide to our researchers are never shared in a personally identifying way. Published psychology research articles report on group-based observations only.
Removal from the Infant and Child Studies Interest List
You can request that we remove you from the Infant and Child Studies Interest List at any time. You can do so by emailing
You are not paid for joining the Infant and Child Studies Interest List. If a researcher contacts you to invite you to a research study, it is possible that the study might offer a modest payment and a keepsake. The researcher will provide details relating to the specific study in a separate Consent Form.
Ethical Research Conduct and Review
This project has been reviewed and approved by the University of Toronto Research Ethics Board.
If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact us at
For additional information about giving consent or your rights as a member of the Infant and Child Studies Interest List, please feel free to contact the institutional Research Oversight and Compliance Office - Human Research Ethics Program at (416) 946-3273 or
Consent to Participate
By checking the box below, I confirm that I consent to and understand that:
(1) I will be contacted periodically by email or telephone to participate in child development research at UTM;
(2) that my contact information will be stored securely;
(3) that information provided will never be shared with entities outside of the Infant and Child Studies Centre.
(4) and that I can opt out of the Interest List at any time for my child.