Fifth Annual 2023-2024 IMI BIGDataAIHUB Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Competition

The University of Toronto Fifth Annual 2023-2024 IMI BIGDataAIHUB Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Competition. Win $25,000 in prize money and all UofT Graduate and undergraduate students are eligible to register.


Open to students from any academic discipline at U of T

The IMI BIGDataAIHUB Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Competition is designed as a developmental opportunity for students to gain additional hands-on exposure to big data and artificial intelligence through real-world data - with the chance to win $30,000 in cash prizes. This is a multi-faceted competition open to graduate students and undergrads with big data/AI experience from any academic discipline in any year of their academic career at the University of Toronto.

Registration is now closed for the 2023-24 Competition.  

Connect, learn, inspire.

Watch two-time winner Alexys Pereira shares his experience with the competition and how it kickstarted his career at Scotiabank.


Competition Format


Competition - $30,000 Cash Prize

The IMI Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Competition is a multi-faceted competition to work with with big data sets and AI models, as well as an opportunity for students to practice their formal presentation skills in a safe, fun and competitive environment.



Seminar Series

Deep-dive into relevant topics at our optional Seminar Series. Take your knowledge of best practices and industry trends to the next level with these expert-led talks. Students who do not compete in the Case Competition are welcome to register for the Seminar Series.


Competition Details


November 2023 — March 2024




Entry is FREE and open to all U of T students.


Students can request to have their participation added to their Co-Curricular Record (CCR).

Competition Eligibility

  • To be eligible for this competition, students must demonstrate that they are enrolled at the University of Toronto throughout the entire competition period. As part of the registration process, competitors are required to complete a short information questionnaire. All team members must register individually on Eventbrite - they will then be able to create their teams on the Quercus shell.
  • This year, in addition to traditional big data and AI tools, we will be permitting the use of generative AI in the competition as well.
  • It is anticipated that there will be three to five participants per team, however, teams with a minimum of two members are invited to register as well.
  • Any teams initially registering fewer than four team members could potentially find that the competition organizers might add additional members to their team to top-up the number closer to four members per team depending upon the total number of registrants and availability of U of T computing resources. This is also designed to foster cross-disciplinary teams.
  • Individual registrations (i.e. rather than in pre-arranged teams) are also welcome, however, these individuals will be assigned to teams.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Each team must have at least one or two members with a strong background in data analysis and/or computer science, and possessing strong programming skills (e.g. python).
  • Diversity is encouraged. The commingling of students from different academic disciplines on each team is actively encouraged, but not a requirement.



Competition Timeline



Online registrations will be accepted until 5:00 pm on Friday, November 24, 2023. Depending on the level of demand, registration may be capped. Early registration is strongly encouraged.


The Virtual Kick-Off Event is scheduled via Zoom from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm on Saturday, November 25th. Each team is expected to have at least one member present at this event.


Initial team video submissions will be due Via Quercus Assignments before 5:00 pm on Monday, February 26th, 2024. Five finalist teams will be selected from these submissions.


The date for the final round of in-person finalist presentations is set for the morning of Saturday, March 23, 2024 in the Innovation Complex at the University of Toronto Mississauga.


This year, instead of providing technical workshops, competitors will have access to a catalogue of curated technical videos to supplement their existing knowledge. These will be available on the competition Quercus site.


Also in lieu of the Technical Workshops, we will be hosting monthly Zoom information / question and answer sessions for competitors in December, January and February.





Brought to you by

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