We recognize that academic integrity matters can be stressful for students. Being informed of the process and policies in place to address allegations of academic misconduct is a good step. In this section, we will provide a general overview of the processes that may apply when if you are facing an allegation of academic misconduct. If at any point your wellbeing is impacted by this information, please consider making an appointment with the UTM Health & Counselling Centre. Additional immediate support is available from UofT Telus Health Student Support (THSS) or from Good2Talk (1-866-925-5454). Other resources can be found on the Resources for Students page.
While your case is being investigated, a Grade Withheld Pending Review (GWR) notation will be placed on your academic record for the course in question, in place of a numeric grade. A student cannot drop the course with a GWR on their record and any attempts to do so will result in the student being reinstated in the course. Moreover, a student cannot graduate whilst a GWR is on their record.
*Please note that any language in this website is superseded by the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters.

*If the incident occurs during a final examination, an instructor meeting may be forgone under certain circumstances (e.g., possession of unauthorized aids or continuing to write after the exam has ended).
If your instructor suspects that you have committed an academic offence, they should inform you and offer you the opportunity to discuss the allegation. This meeting can take place in-person or virtually. During this meeting, you will be given the opportunity to share your side of the story and offer any additional evidence you may have. This discussion cannot be used as evidence against you in any subsequent steps of the process.
The matter will be forwarded to the Department Chair if:
- Your instructor still believes that an academic offence may have occurred after meeting with you
- You do not respond to the instructor's attempts to meet
If, after the meeting, the instructor does not believe that an academic offence has occurred, the allegation can be dismissed and your work will undergo normal evaluation.
If the Department Chair believes that an academic offence has been committed, you will be notified about the next steps. The Department Chair may impose sanctions if:
- You acknowledge that you committed an academic offence
- The assessment is worth 10% or less
- This would be your first academic offence
- The offence is not particularly egregious (e.g. forgery, impersonation or purchasing work)
If the Chair imposes a sanction, you will be notified by the Department. Otherwise, you will be notified by the Department that your case is being referred to the Office of the Dean.
Once your case has been reviewed by the Dean, you will be informed in writing and offered the opportunity to discuss the matter with the Dean and or their representative during a virtual meeting. During this meeting, the Dean or their representative will review sections of the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, the evidence of the offence(s), and possible sanction(s). An overview of the Academic Integrity Meeting at the divisional level can be found on the Divisional Meeting page.
You must read the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters (the Code) prior to the start of the meeting.
Once your case is forwarded to the Provost's Office, it can take several months for your case to be reviewed. When the University is ready to proceed with your case, you will be contacted by the University's legal team. More information about the proceedings at the University Tribunal can be found at the Academic Discipline FAQ page. Additionally, previous Tribunal decisions are available for viewing.
If your case is forwarded to the University Tribunal, you are recommended to obtain legal counsel who can advise and represent you throughout this process. You can access free legal counsel through Downtown Legal Services which is a student-centered legal service that offers advice to student throughout the academic integrity process.
Once charges have been laid, the matter falls under the discretion of the Office of Appeals, Discipline, and Faculty Grievances.
Sanctions can be imposed in the event that a student admits guilt to, or is found to be guilty of, an allegation of academic misconduct. An overview of the sanctions that be imposed throughout the academic misconduct process can be found on the Sanctions page.

Under the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), your personal information is confidential and the Office of the Dean is not authorized to provide any information to families of students faced with allegations of academic misconduct. However, we understand concerns may arise, especially for those who are involved in their child's education. Please visit the U of T's Parents and Families website for more information regarding student confidentiality and other resources available to inform families of the University's policies. For any questions or inquiries, contact ut.family@utoronto.ca.