Vehicle trouble? Do you need a boost? Flat tire? Campus Safety can assist you!
Campus Safety has re-launched the Battery Booster Program. If you have car troubles and need assistance with boosting your battery or putting air in your tire, attend the Campus Safety office, located in the William G. Davis Building (Room 3116) and sign out a battery booster pack.
What do I need?
You will need to leave your T-Card or Driver's License with Campus Safety. Upon returning the booster pack, Campus Safety will return your identification.
Is there any cost to use the Battery Booster Program?
This program is offered by Campus Safety to students, staff and faculty free of charge.
During what hours is this service available?
Campus Safety is on duty 24/7, 365 days a year. This means that the Battery Booster Program is also available 24/7/365.
How do I use the Battery Booster pack?
Campus Safety will provide written instructions on how to use the booster pack. You can also watch a video on how to use it, by clicking here.