Preparing For The Meeting
Before attending a meeting with the Dean or their representative at the divisional level, please review the University’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters (the Code). Additionally, ensure that your current address and phone number are up to date on your student account. Lastly, ensure that you have access to a private space from which you can attend the virtual meeting.
Students at the University of Toronto can consult Downtown Legal Services (DLS) for legal advice at any point during the academic integrity process. Additionally, you may wish to bring additional documentation (assignment drafts, lecture notes, copies of sources, etc). If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please reach out to the Academic Integrity Unit.
During The Meeting
The discussion will be led by the Dean or their representative. Academic integrity staff, departmental staff, and your instructor may also be in attendance to support the meeting. You are permitted to bring person(s) to accompany you as support (e.g. family, friend, advisor, legal counsel, etc).
During this meeting, you will have the opportunity to view all the related information regarding the allegation(s). This meeting is an opportunity for you to provide any additional information that you feel is relevant to this matter, for the Dean or their representative to take into consideration. You may wish to bring additional documentation (assignment drafts, lecture notes, copies of sources, etc). The Dean or their representative will discuss possible sanctions that may apply to your case. Students are not obliged to provide any statements or admissions during this meeting.
Outcomes of The Meeting

Depending on the discussion at the meeting, the evidence for the allegation(s), and your plea, various outcomes may occur. The case may be dismissed, sanctions may be imposed at the divisional level, or the matter may be referred to the Office of The Provost.
If the Dean or their representative believes that an academic offence has not been committed, your case will be dismissed. You will receive a notice of dismissal in writing, your academic work will undergo normal evaluation, and the GWR on your record will be replaced by your final grade.
Alternatively, if the Dean or their representative believes that an academic offence has been committed and you admit guilt, sanctions can be imposed at the divisional level or the matter can be referred to the Office of The Provost. Find more information about sanctions on the Sanctions page.
If the student pleads 'not guilty' or chooses to not enter a plea, and the Dean or their representative believes that an academic offence has been committed, the matter may be referred to the Office of The Provost for consideration.