Teresa Lobalsamo (Director)

Teresa Lobalsamo is Assistant Professor (Teaching Stream) and Undergraduate Coordinator of Italian Studies at the Department of Language Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). She received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in Italian Studies in 2013. In addition to introductory Italian language courses, and in line with her research foci, Dr. Lobalsamo teaches an array of cinema, culture, and experiential learning courses, such as Mafia Movies, Italian Comedies, Cucina Italiana, Italian Theatre. Recent scholarly activities (articles and conference papers) centre on high impact practices in foreign language learning, cinema and pedagogy, teaching methodologies in large classes, and the benefits of study abroad. Dr. Lobalsamo strives to create meaningful academic experiences outside of a traditional classroom setting: she supervises undergraduate grant-funded research projects, organizes internship placements and undergraduate colloquia, and takes students on local and international co-curricular trips (with the International Education Centre’s UTM Abroad). She serves on several campus-wide committees and is also the American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI) Regional Representative for Canada.
Paola Bernardini (Assitant Director)

Paola Bernardini is a Sessional Lecturer and has been teaching at UTM since 2018. She completed her Ph.D. in Italian Studies at the University of Toronto. Her research investigates Nineteenth and early Twentieth-century Italian literature, and novels by installments (feuilleton). She is delighted to work as Assistant Director on the Italian play presented by Maschere Duemondi and to be a part of this artistic wager.
Paola Bernardini, Sessional Lecturer, insegna a UTM dal 2018. Ha conseguito un Ph.D. in Italian Studies presso la University of Toronto e la sua attività di ricerca è incentrata prevalentemente sulla letteratura italiana del XIX e XX secolo e sul romanzo d’appendice (feuilleton). Nel ruolo di assistente alla regia è ben felice di partecipare a questa nuova sfida artistica delle Maschere Duemondi.
Tatiana Selepiuc (Producer)

Tatiana Selepiuc is a Sessional Lecturer and has been teaching at UTM since 2016. She completed her Ph.D. in Italian Studies at the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on Italian literature of the Cinquecento, specifically Pietro Aretino’s contributions to the chivalric tradition. She is thrilled to work as Producer on the Italian play presented by Maschere Duemondi and to be a part of this artistic venture.
Tatiana Selepiuc, Sessional Lecturer, insegna a UTM dal 2016. Ha conseguito un Ph.D. in Italian Studies presso la University of Toronto e la sua attività di ricerca si concentra sulla letteratura italiana del Cinquecento, specificamente i poemi cavallereschi di Pietro Aretino. Nel ruolo di produttrice è entusiasta di partecipare a questa nuova sfida artistica delle Maschere Duemondi.
Ethan Salerno Nogueira (Assistant Producer)

Ethan is currently in his third year of study at the University of Toronto Mississauga specializing in Italian. His inspiration to participate in this year’s production, The Artful Widows, was sparked by his opportunity of viewing Ciao, Professoressa! while in high school. This, together with his inspiration from Professor Lobalsamo, Dr. Bernardini, and Dr. Selepiuc, formulated his interest in being this year’s Assistant Producer. Ethan’s overall love for Italian language and culture will assist him with the production and allow him to support his colleagues behind-the-scenes.
Ethan è al suo terzo anno di studi all’Università di Toronto Mississauga, dove sta studiando italianistica. La sua ispirazione a partecipare alla produzione di quest'anno, Le vedove scaltre, deriva dalla sua opportunità di vedere Ciao, Professoressa! durante il liceo. Questo, insieme all’ispirazione delle Professoresse Lobalsamo, Bernardini e Selepiuc, formano il suo desiderio di essere l’assistente di produzione di quest’anno. Il suo amore profondo per la lingua e la cultura italiana lo aiuterà nella produzione e gli permetterà di sostenere i suoi colleghi dietro le quinte.