Our policy and knowledge mobilization branch aims to promote research-informed strategies to nurture child development and mental health through accessible materials and continuous dialogue with children, families, practitioners, and policymakers. Our approach includes policy reports, infographics, social media content, workshops, and community events.
Policy Reports
Nurturing Healthy Child Development in Refugee Children and Families
Evaluation of the RAISE Project Pre-Pilot Training Program
Evaluation of the RAISE Project Pilot Training Program
RAISE Needs Assessment Report
Evaluation of the SPRINT Project Pilot Training Program
R-BLISS Focus Group Report
Creating a Lasting Impact on Mental Health by Supporting Children’s Social-Emotional Development
Nurturing Healthy Child Development in Refugee Children and Families
Favoriser le Développement Sain des Enfants et des Familles de Réfugiés
تنشئة النمو الصحي عند الأطفال والعائلات اللاجئة
Understanding Displacement, Resettlement, and Resilience in Refugee and Migrant Families Resettling in Canada
فهم النزوح وإعادة التوطين والمرونة في العائلات اللاجئة والمهاجرة التي أعيد توطينهم في كندا
Promoting Kindness in Childhood
A Community-Based Needs Assessment of Resettled Middle Eastern Refugee Children and Families
تقييم مجتمعي لاحتياجات الأطفال والأسر اللاجئة من الشرق الأوسط