Quantum Computing

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Please note that while this was originally a technical workshop for the Case Competition, it has now been moved to the Seminar Series for March 13, 2023.

An accessible overview of quantum computing highlighting recent advances in the industry will be given, with applied examples of how quantum algorithms can be used to solve applied problems in finance. In particular, a quantum machine learning framework to solve a credit scoring problem and a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm to solve a portfolio optimization problem are demonstrated. The talk will also feature an interactive Q&A session to answer any questions the audience has about quantum computing in general and its current and near-term applications.

Members of CPA Ontario may receive CPD credits for attending the seminar.


Anish R. Verma is a quantum computing practitioner and enthusiast having worked for 3 years as a research scientist at 1QBit – a Vancouver-based quantum computing and artificial intelligence company – where I explored the applications of quantum computing and AI to finance. During that time, he was also selected for secondment at the Quantum Algorithms Institute, to advance the commercial adoption and broader outreach of quantum computing. Currently, Anish works at the Good Chemistry Company, advancing their products that combine modern high performance cloud computing, quantum computing, and machine learning for cutting edge molecular simulations.




Anish Verma
