Enroll in Capital, Spectacle, War VCC409 - Fall 2024

Enroll in Capital, Spectacle, War VCC409 - Fall 2024

Interrogating militarism and state violence, pictured atrocities, non-violent dissent, and armed conflicts around the globe, this course explores the interlinking of capitalism, spectacle, and war in the world today. 

From high-tech drone and video surveillance to images captured on smartphones, from news and social media to documentary and art photography, the course scrutinizes the visualization of military conflict, terror, dispossession, and insurrection.

Enroll in VCC360H5: South Asian Visual Culture

Enroll in VCC360H5: South Asian Visual Culture

Popular imagery from the Indian subcontinent is now increasingly visible in the global arena, particularly via the West's discovery of 'Bollywood.' But what have these images meant to South Asians themselves, what are their histories, what traditions and practices do they draw on? This course introduces key concepts for understanding South Asian visual culture and its multifaceted postcolonial modernity.

Enroll in VCC390H5S: Critical Inquires and Methods In Visual Culture

Enroll in VCC390H5S: Critical Inquires and Methods In Visual Culture

This course analyses digital approaches to humanistic research and its expression, across disciplines and fields. Students will explore “global” trends in digital humanities in order to reflect on how issues of diversity, (de)coloniality, immigration and multiculturalism shape the field and its connections to different communities. These are examined through interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives – museum studies, cultural studies, visual studies, history, art history, memory studies and tested on digital humanities case studies.

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