EXISTING Course Change Resource Implications Form

This form should be submitted if the existing resourcing for the course will change as a result of the proposed curriculum change. This form is not required for ROP, thesis and independent study courses.

EXISTING Course Change Resource Implications Form

Must contain 8 characters, i.e. UTM123H5.
TA Resources - Are current TA allocations changing as a result of this proposed change?
Once the course change has received governance approval, please ensure that an updated TA rationale is emailed to taresources.utm@utoronto.ca.
Space Requirements - Are current space needs impacted as a result of the proposed change?
If lab space requirements are changing, departments must be flexible with their scheduling of practical sections. Please take this into consideration when planning to offer this course.
Details should include the type of room(s) used (classroom, seminar, wet lab, PC lab, Mac lab, other); the number of hours in each type of room; and the course component that ran in the room. E.g. LEC (1 section) in a classroom of 500 capacity; 2 hours per week.
Details should include the type of room(s) used (classroom, seminar, wet lab, PC lab, Mac lab, other); the number of hours in each type of room; and the course component that ran in the room. E.g. LEC (1 section) in a classroom of 500 capacity, 2 hours per week; TUT (4 sections) in a classroom of 30 capacity, 1 hour per week per section).
International Component - Will there be a change to the international component as a result of this proposed course change?
If the international component of this course is changing or an international component is being added to this course, please contact Veronica Vasquez, IEC Director (veronica.vasquez@utoronto.ca) to coordinate.
Library & Technical Resources - Will this course change impact resources from the library or require a change in special technical assistance?
If this course requires specific technological support or acquisition of technology, please contact Rebecca Tunney, Program & Curriculum Assistant (rebecca.tunney@utoronto.ca) to coordinate. If specific library resourcing is required, please contact Dany Savard, Interim Chief Librarian (dany.savard@utoronto.ca) to coordinate.
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