Why Study Gender?

Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies examines significant differences in the experiences of the sexes in Canadian society and globally.

Some of the important issues of life revolve around being a man, or being a woman, or inhabiting a post-binary invention of gender. The program addresses common experiences as well as those of difference – being differently abled, or shaped by experiences in a different country or culture. A number of courses in this program focus on the female half of humanity and other groups that are often under-represented. The program encourages students to reassess the conventional disciplines, helping to integrate questions of gender, sexuality, and ‘difference’ in the curriculum.

This is an interdisciplinary program par excellence. Students take another major in connection with this degree, so the WGSS degree forms a second major or minor that complements the first. The methods and theories of anthropologists, historians, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, theologians, and of the language/visual/ performing arts all contribute to the study of Women, Gender and Sexuality. Some students add extracurricular activity through the UTM Women & Gender Equity Centre and other groups interested in equity on campus and beyond.

Where does a Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies degree lead? It is an asset in all careers that involve gender and equity issues. It is relevant for teaching, government, law, social justice work, international development, human resources, advertising, and the health professions, to name just a few. The program also addresses life issues such as equality and responsibility within relationships, marriages, and families.


Take a look at the WGSS Program Plan!