Tactics and Vectors 98/99


Table of  Contents

Great Circle Hypotheis  

Magnetoclinic Hypothesis

Magnetic-Latitude Hypothesis

Compass Bearings Hypothesis

Suns' Azimuth Hypothesis

Expansion-Contraction Hypothesis

Always Advance Hypothesis

Never Go Back Hypothesis



Analyses of Pooled Field Data: Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing:  Comparisons of Mean Bearings to theoretical bearings, or theoretical directions, for the pooled data for the 1978, 1979, and 1981 Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) migrations

¦ Up   ¦ Tables:  ¦ I,   IIIII,   IVVVIVII,  VIII aVIII bIXX,  XI,  XII  ¦

left arrowarrow leftTable IX*

Hypotheses A:  Mean Bearings of migrating D. plexippus cannot be distinguished from the local Great Circle Route to the Overwintering sites in Mexico

Hypothesis B:  Mean bearings of D. plexippus cannot be distinguished from the bearings for the Kiepenheur and Schmidt-Koenig Magnetoclinic Route

Mean Bearing ± 95% Confidence Intervals overlap with the:



Mean Bearing

95% C.I.

Great Circle Route

Magnetoclinic Route

Mean Bearing


222° (SW)




Preferred I


232° (SW)




Preferred II


234° (SW)




* Adapted from Gibo, D. L.,  1990

Definitions of abbreviations and symbols:  N = North, NE = Northeast,  E = East,  S = South, SW = Southwest, WSW = West-Southwest, etc., C.I. = Confidence Intervals. 


  1. Null Hypothesis A cannot be rejected for the Mean Bearing of the Population, nor for the mean bearing of Preferred Direction I, nor for the mean bearing of Preferred Direction II.  Migrating D. plexippus in southern Ontario tends to be displaced in approximately the direction of the local Great Circle Route.

  2. Null Hypothesis B is rejected for the Mean Bearing of the Population.  The mean direction of displacement of the migrating population is not the direction of the Magnetoclinic Route.

  3. Null Hypothesis B cannot be rejected for either the mean bearing of Preferred Direction I or the mean bearing for Preferred Direction II. 


  1. I would feel better about the apparent match of the Mean Bearing for the population with the theoretical Great Circle Route if I knew that I had an unbiased sample.  Unfortunately, it was not possible to make observations every day from from dawn until dark.  Instead, I made observations when I had the opportunity and was almost certainly biased towards periods when migration was manifest.  Preferred Direction I, and especially, Preferred Direction II are better tests of whether D. plexippus are flying either of the two theoretical routes.

  2. The apparent match for Preferred Direction II with the  Kiepenheur and Schmidt-Koenig Magnetoclinic Route should be viewed with caution  given that the large 95% Confidence Intervals also include the Great Circle Route.  Larger sample sizes are required to narrow the Confidence Intervals (hopefully) before it becomes possible to distinguish between the two theoretical routes.