Tactics and Vectors 98/99
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Glider Pilot (and other aviation enthusiasts) Reports Form

The following report form page is designed for gathering information about observations made on butterfly migration by glider pilots, and all other aviation enthusiasts.  The observations can be made either on the ground or during flight.  Further in depth and detailed observations can be made, if desired, from the ground using the Tactics and Vectors Data Forms.

Please fill in the following form fields as completely as possible.  You may wish to submit several reports, hit the reset button after each submission.

If there are any questions, concerns or problems, feel free to contact David Gibo.

Geographic Observations

Today's Date (M/D/Y):

Observation while in flight or ground?

Ground          Flight

Location of Sighting:

Latitude:     Longitude:

Nearest City to Sighting:    State/Province:

Gliderport (Latitude/Longitude/Altitude):


Ground Observations at Time of Sighting

Wind Direction:

Wind Velocity (eg: kts, mi, or km):

Temperature (give best estimate if necessary):

Clouds (type, per cent cover):

Cloud Base:

Comments on weather changes during

observation day (ie: development of thermals, etc.):


Ground Observations at Take-Off and Landing

    At Take-Off                                                                At  Landing

Wind Direction:


Wind Velocity (eg: kts, mi or km):


Temperature (estimate if necessary):


Clouds (type, per cent cover):


Cloud Base:


Comments on weather changes during

observation day (ie: development of thermals, etc.):


Condtions Aloft at Time of Sighting

Altitude of Butterfly:

Wind Direction Aloft:

Wind Velocity Aloft (Estimated):

Cloud Base:

Temperature (Estimated):

Cloud Conditions:

Sighting in Thermal?

Yes     No

Butterfly:  Monarch (Dannius plexippus)?

Yes     No    Number of Individuals:

Other species of butterfly?

Yes     No    Number of Individuals:    

Species (see T & V):

Birds Aloft (Gulls, Hawks, Swifts, Vultures, etc), Species if   Known?

Any Additional Comments:


Personal Information

Your Name:


City:     State/Province:

Zip/Postal Code:

Phone:     Fax:

E-mail address:

Tactics and Vectors 98

David Gibo, Ph.D, Developer

University of Toronto, at Mississauga.