Pandemic Impact Support Fund (2021)


Program Purpose 

In recognition that some faculty have incurred unanticipated costs and/or have continued to fully fund graduate students and postdoctoral fellows during a difficult time, the Office of the Dean and the Office of the Vice-Principal Research are introducing the Pandemic Impact Support Fund to help offset some of pandemic’s negative impact on researchers’ already limited research budgets. 

Each eligible researcher may apply for up to $25,000 in support from the Pandemic Impact Support Fund. 

Eligibility Guidelines 

To be eligible, an applicant must hold their primary appointment at a UTM academic department. Graduate-only appointments, status-only appointments, cross-appointments with less than 51% appointment at UTM, and emeritus faculty are not eligible. 

An applicant must also have an externally funded research program, or externally funded research project or scholarly activity, which has been demonstrably impacted by pandemic-related delays and costs. 

Applicants cannot claim expenses that are covered through any other COVID-19 relief or emergency programs. 

Eligible Expenses 

The purpose of the Pandemic Impact Support Fund is to help offset unanticipated costs incurred by UTM researchers since March 20th, 2020, for which grants or other emergency funding support are not available. 


The complete application must be e-mailed to Rong Wu ( on or before the deadline of August 31st, 2021 (firm deadline). Email subject must be “Pandemic Impact Support – [applicant’s name]”. 

A complete application package includes the following material in the same order: 

  1. A completed cover sheet, signed by the applicant, Chair, and Business Officer/Department Manager. 
  2. A one-page request and rationale that specifically details the budgetary impact that the pandemic has had on the applicant’s externally-funded research accounts, as well as providing details on the other sources of support, such as the Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (CRCEF), SGS support for graduate students, or Tri-Council relief measures that the applicant has accessed. 
  3. A completed claim form with itemized expenses and justifications what they are and why they should be funded.
    (Example of claim form)

Adjudication Process 

Applications for assistance under the Pandemic Impact Support Fund will be adjudicated by a committee consisting of the Vice-Principal Academic & Dean, the Vice-Principal Research, the Vice Dean Faculty, and the Associate Vice-Principal Research. The envelope of the funds is limited, and not all eligible claims will be funded. 


  1. What’s the eligible time frame for the expenses claimed in this application? 
    Eligible expenses paid between March 20, 2020 and August 31, 2021 can be included in the application. 
  2. Are contract full-time research-stream faculty members at UTM eligible to apply? 
    Yes, if they meet other eligibilities. 
  3. Does each of the claim items need to have its corresponding external funding program/project?
    Yes. The only expenses that are eligible are those associated with an externally funded grant.
  4. Are Connaught awards eligible?
    Connaught awards are U of T-based awards, cannot be considered external funding. Therefore, they are not eligible for Pandemic Impact Support Fund.
  5. Can I claim the expenses that I had to pay for my graduate students to stay longer, if their graduation/research was delayed due to Covid-19?
    Yes, as long as it is a reimbursement for an expense that you incurred. 
  6. Can I apply for stipend to pay for my graduate students retroactively? 
    No. Only incurred expenses may be eligible. 
  7. Am I going to receive the funds for all the eligible items in my application?
    It depends on the envelope of the funds we have and how many applications we receive. You may not receive the full funds.