There are three kinds of recognition currently available to UTM student groups: U of T & UTM recognition, UTMSU (UTM Student Union) recognition and CCR (Co-Curricular Record) recognition. Each offers a distinctive set of benefits and groups should consider applying for all.
Learn more about:
Resources for Ulife Recognition:
Groups that are approved are granted a package of benefits, which include:
- Use of university facilities at a lower cost or no cost click here for more information
- Group accounts for U of T electronic resources (e-mail, web hosting, listserv and portal services)
- Use of the University of Toronto and University of Toronto Mississauga name in conjunction with group activities
- Listing on UTM student organizations webpage, Ulife, and other print and online directories
- Special food service menus and pricing through UTM Conference Services with sufficient advanced notice
- Access to add group onto the UTM Engage App
In addition to these benefits, Ulife recognized student organizations are also provided a list of services that include:
- Table and Room bookings in academic buildings,
- Bank Transfer Letters,
- and Online Elections (for student societies).
UTMSU Recognition
A UTM-based group seeking UTMSU recognition, which offers a different set of benefits including opportunities for program funding, Student Centre bookings and office space, etc. should apply to the relevant student union. Details on UTMSU recognition are available at www.utmsu.ca.
Note that much of the information required for U of T and UTM recognition and UTMSU recognition is similar, so it may be wise to complete both applications at the same time. Once the appropriate information is gathered (officers, contact information, constitution, etc.), each application normally takes less than five minutes to complete.
CCR Recognition
Student Organizations have the opportunity to get student leader positions recognized on an official institutional document, the Co-Curricular Record (CCR).