Further Reading on Online Teaching and Additional Helpful Links

On the ADDIE Model and Inclusive Course Design Principles

The ADDIE Model (Analyze Design Develop Implement Evaluate) is a model for course design that allows for review and reflection of goals, audience, activities, and content as part of an iterative inclusive design.

Baldwin, S.J., Ching, Y. (2019) An online course design checklist: development and users’ perceptions. Journal Computing in Higher Education 31, 156–172. doi-org.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/10.1007/s12528-018-9199-8

This article provides a researched checklist of things one should think about in online design.

Baldwin, S.J., Ching, Y.-H., & Friesen, N. (2018). Online course design and development among college and university instructors: An analysis using grounded theory. Online Learning, 22(2), 157-171. doi:10.24059/olj.v22i2.1212

This article presents a study that shows that even if instructors who participated in the study did not know the ADDIE model, most were actually already following ADDIE in their online course design.

Branch, R. (2007) Instructional Design: The ADDIE Approach. Springer

This text provides an overview of ADDIE and it can support instructional design principles.

Czerkawski, B.C., & Lyman, E.W. (2016). An Instructional Design Framework for Fostering Student Engagement in Online Learning Environments. Tech Trends 60(6),532-539.  doi-org.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/10.1007/s11528-016-0110-z

The article highlights strategies to keep students engaged in your online course.


On Online Student Experience and Preparation

Fairmont State University. (n.d).Online student reflective check https://www.fairmontstate.edu/academics/distancelearning/successful_student.asp

This resource gives points that students should think about as they are preparing for online learning.

Veletsainos, G. (2020). Learning Online: The Student Experience. Johns Hopkins University Press. https://muse.jhu.edu/book/73824

This e-text provides many demographic example of online students and learners to highlight how there is not just one kind of student who learns online.


Online Teaching

Darby, F. (2020). Small Teaching Online. Jossey-Bass.

This book is a continuation of Lang’s Small Teaching but focused on online learning. It provides many tips and strategies to implement in your online course design and facilitation.

Darby, F. (2020). How to Be a Better Online Teacher. The Chronicle. https://www.chronicle.com/interactives/advice-online-teaching

This article highlights 10 essential principles and practices for teaching online.

Nilson, L. and Goodson, L.A. (2017). Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research. Jossey-Bass.

This book intersects pedagogy and instructional design to demonstrate how both inform inclusive online course delivery.

Ownston, R. (2020). How to teach Online Effectively Using Zoom.

This great resource from Contact North, outlines pedagogical structures for remote teaching.