Diver at the underwater site of the Erebus

Lost Beneath the Ice: Underwater archaeologist brings the tale of the HMS Erebus to UTM

Nicolle Wahl

Jonathan Moore, one of the first people to dive into the frigid waters of the Victoria Strait to discover the wreck of the HMS Erebus from the 1845 Franklin Expedition, will give a lecture “Lost Beneath the Ice: The Search for Franklin’s Lost Ships and the Discovery of HMS Erebus” on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016 at 12 noon in room 140 of the Instructional Centre, located at 3359 Mississauga Road.

For over 150 years, expeditions have been sent to the Canadian Arctic in an attempt to learn the fate of the 1845 expedition led by explorer Sir John Franklin, who set sail from England with two ships, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, in search of a Northwest Passage across what is now Canada's Arctic. Moore, a senior underwater archaeologist with Parks Canada’s Underwater Archaeology team, will give a talk on what it means to have found this lost piece of Canadian history and how both state-of-the-art technology and 19th century Inuit oral history made this discovery possible.


Nicolle Wahl
U of T Mississauga Communications