A-Z Listing

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | P | S | T | V | W
Program Degree OUAC Application Code Approximate Competitive Average
Accounting Bachelor of Commerce TME Mid 80s
Anthropology (HBA) Honours Bachelor of Arts TMS Mid to High 70s
Anthropology (HBSc) Honours Bachelor of Science TML Low to Mid 80s
Applied Statistics Honours Bachelor of Science TMZ Mid 80s
Art & Art History Honours Bachelor of Arts TEV Mid to High 70s
Art History Honours Bachelor of Arts TEV Mid to High 70s
Astronomical Sciences Honours Bachelor of Science TMW Mid to High 70s
Astronomy Honours Bachelor of Science TMW Mid to High 70s
Program Degree OUAC Application Code Approximate Competitive Average
Biological Chemistry Honours Bachelor of Science TMW Mid to High 70s
Biology Honours Bachelor of Science TML Low to Mid 80s
Biology for Health Sciences Honours Bachelor of Science TML Low to Mid 80s
Biomedical Communications Honours Bachelor of Science TML Low to Mid 80s
Biophysics Honours Bachelor of Science TMW Mid to High 70s
Biotechnology Honours Bachelor of Science TML Low to Mid 80s
Business, Science, and Entrepreneurship Honours Bachelor of Science TMG Mid 80s
Program Degree OUAC Application Code Approximate Competitive Average
Canadian Studies Honours Bachelor of Arts TMH Mid to High 70s
Chemistry Honours Bachelor of Science TMW Mid to High 70s
Chinese Language & Culture Honours Bachelor of Arts TMH Mid to High 70s
Cinema Studies Honours Bachelor of Arts TEV Mid to High 70s
Classical Civilization Honours Bachelor of Arts TMH Mid to High 70s
Combined HBA Environmental Management/MSc Sustainability Management Honours Bachelor of Arts TMS Mid to High 70s
Combined HBSc Environmental Science/MSc Sustainability Management Honours Bachelor of Science TMW Mid to High 70s
Combined HBSc Exceptionality in Human Learning/MA Child Study & Education Honours Bachelor of Science TMP Mid to High 70s
Combined HBSc Psychology/MA Child Study & Education Honours Bachelor of Science TMP Mid to High 70s
Commerce Bachelor of Commerce or Honours Bachelor of Arts TME Mid 80s
Communication, Culture, Information & Technology Honours Bachelor of Arts TMC Mid to High 70s
Comparative Physiology Honours Bachelor of Science TML Low to Mid 80s
Computer Science Honours Bachelor of Science TMZ Mid 80s
Creative Writing Honours Bachelor of Arts TMH Mid to High 70s
Criminology, Law & Society Honours Bachelor of Arts TMS Mid to High 70s
Program Degree OUAC Application Code Approximate Competitive Average
Diaspora & Transnational Studies Honours Bachelor of Arts TMH Mid to High 70s
Digital Enterprise Management Honours Bachelor of Arts TMC Mid to High 70s
Dramaturgy and Drama Studies Honours Bachelor of Arts TMH Mid to High 70s
Program Degree OUAC Application Code Approximate Competitive Average
Earth Science Honours Bachelor of Science TMW Mid to High 70s
Ecology & Evolution Honours Bachelor of Science TML Low to Mid 80s
Economics (BCom) Bachelor of Commerce TME Mid 80s