Emily Studd

FROZEN out with Tim Fernandes and Emily Studd

Environmental Reviews recently published Timothy Fernandes and Dr. Emily Studd  paper: Frozen out: unanswered questions about winter biology.

Both from McMeans Lab,Timothy Fernandes is a PhD student and Dr. Emily Studd is a Post Doctoral Fellow.

Tim Fernandes

Winter conditions impose dramatic constraints on temperate, boreal, and polar ecosystems, and shape the abiotic and biotic interactions underpinning these systems. At high latitudes, winter can last longer than the growing season and may have a disproportionately large impact on organisms and ecosystems. Even so, our understanding of the ecological implications of winter is often lacking. Here, we discuss the complexity of defining winter, and highlight the importance of maintaining the capacity to test hypotheses across seasons, realms, and domains of life. We then outline questions drawn from diverse fields of research that address current gaps in our understanding of winter ecology and how winter influences multiple levels of biological organization, from individuals to ecosystems

Find more about Dr. Emily Studd's research here: https://studdecology.weebly.com/

Read more about Tim Fernandes' research here:      https://timothyfernandes.wordpress.com/


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