Prof. Joel Levine

Prof. Joel Levine is awarded 1 of 6 CIFAR & Manulife grants

Prof. Joel Levine (UTM Biology) and Prof. Takao Hensch (Harvard University & the University of Tokio) have been awarded grant funding in support of their project entitled “Social Network Analysis Software Pipeline.”

The Manulife CIFAR Population Health & Well-being Grant Program will fund six interdisciplinary project teams that push traditional research boundaries and offer new insight into the effects of the pandemic.

How are social networks changing because of COVID-19?
COVID-19 has dramatically altered how we behave. New behavioral norms, new social practices, and profound systemic updates may be required to maintain a healthy standard of living, an engaged sense of well-being, and global prosperity. That process will undoubtedly have effects on our connections to each other.
In this project, CIFAR fellows Joel Levine (University of Toronto Mississauga) and Takao Hensch (Harvard University/University of Tokyo) will develop a common analytical approach that will provide deep insights into the developmental and neural basis of social structures.
Drawing on expertise in CIFAR’s Child & Brain Development program, they will apply tools originally built to study social dynamics in experimental systems in flies, mice, and humans to the new social reality of the post-COVID-19 world.

Project Title: Social Network Analysis Software Pipeline
Collaborators: Joel Levine (Child & Brain Development, University of Toronto Mississauga)
Takao Hensch (Child & Brain Development, Harvard University/University of Tokyo)


Read more about Manulife CIFAR Population Health & Well-being Grant Program