Game-Enhanced Learning Bibliography

Aarseth, E. (2004)   Genre Trouble: Narrativism and the Art of Simulation. In First Person: New Media as Story, Performance and Game.  (P. Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, eds.) Cambridge MA: MIT Press.  45-55.

Brynen, R.  (2014) Teaching About Peace Operations. International Peacekeeping 21, 4.  529-538.

Carnes, M. (2014) Minds on Fire: How Role-Immersion Games Transform College.   Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Citino, R.  (2016)  Lessons from the Hexagon:  Wargames and the Military Historian.  in   Zones of Control:  Perspectives on Wargaming   (P. Harrigan and M. Kirschenbaum, eds.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.   439-446.

Costikyan, G.  (2007)  Games, Storytelling, and Breaking the String  In Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media.  (P. Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, eds.) Cambridge MA: MIT Press.  5-13.

Cover, J.G. (2010)  The Creation of Narrative in Tabletop Role-Playing Games.  Jefferson NC: McFarland.

Crocco, F., K. Offenholley and C. Hernandez  (2016)   A Proof-of-Concept Study of Game-Based Learning in Higher Education.   Simulation & Gaming 47, 4.  403-422.

Crookall, D. and W.Thorngate  (2009)   Acting, Knowing, Learning, Gaming.  Simulation & Gaming 40, 1. 8-26.

De Koven, B.  (1978)  The Well-Played Game.  Garden City, NY:  Anchor Press.

De Koven, B.  (2013)  The Well-Played Game: A Player’s Philosophy.  Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Ekman, I., G. Chanel, S. Jarvela, J.M. Kivikangas, M. Slaminen, and N. Ravaja  (2012)  Social Interaction in Games:  Measuring Physiological Linkage and Social Presence.  Simulation & Gaming  43, 3.  321-338.

Eskelinen, M. (2004)  Towards Computer Game Studies.  In  First Person: New Media as Story, Performance and Game.  (P. Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, eds.) Cambridge MA: MIT Press.  36-44.

Fortmuller, R.  (2009)    Learning Through Business Games.  Simulation & Gaming 40, 1.  68-83.

Ghamari-Tabrizi, S.   (2016)    Wargames as Writing Systems.  in   Zones of Control:  Perspectives on Wargaming   (P. Harrigan and M. Kirschenbaum, eds.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.   331-354.

Gobet, F., A. de Voogt and Retshitzki (eds) (2004) Moves in Mind: The Psychology of Board Games. New York: Psychology Press.

Hindmarch, W. (2007)  Storytelling Games as  a Creative Medium.   In Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media.  (P. Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, eds.) Cambridge MA: MIT Press.  47-55.

Jenkins, H. (2004)  Game Design as Narrative Architecture.  In  First Person: New Media as Story, Performance and Game.  (P. Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, eds.) Cambridge MA: MIT Press.  119-130.

Juul, J.  (2004)  Introduction to Game Time.   In  First Person: New Media as Story, Performance and Game.  (P. Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, eds.) Cambridge MA: MIT Press.  131-142.

Kirschenbaum, M.  (2009)  War Stories: Board Wargames and (Vast) Procedural Narratives.  in   Third Person: Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives  (P. Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, eds.) Cambridge MA: MIT Press.  357-371.

Kriz, W.C. (2010) A Systemic-Constructivist Approach to the Facilitation and Debriefing of Simulations and Games.   Simulation & Gaming  41, 5.  663-680.

Lacey, J.  (2016)  Wargaming in the Classroom; An Odyssey.    War on the Rocks.  April 2016   (

Lacey, J. (2016)  Wargames in Strategic Education.  Presentation at Military Operations Society Community of Practice.

Lainema, T. (2009)  Perspective Making:  Constructivism as a Meaning-Making Structure for Simulation Gaming.    Simulation & Gaming 40, 1.  48-67.

MacDougall, R. and L. Faden (2016) Simulation Literacy:  The Case for Wargames in the History Classroom.  in   Zones of Control:  Perspectives on Wargaming   (P. Harrigan and M. Kirschenbaum, eds) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.   447-454.

McCall, J. (2011)  Gaming the Past: Using Video Games to Teach Secondary History.  New York: Routledge.

McCall, J.  (2016)  Teaching History with Digital Historical Games: An Introduction to the Field and Best Practices.  Simulation & Gaming 47, 4.  517-542.

McGonigal, J.  (2011)   Reality is Broken: Why Games Can Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World.   New York:  Penguin

Marzano, R. (2010)   The Art and Science of Teaching:  Using Games to Enhance Student Achievement.  Educational Leadership 67, 5.  71-72.

Montola, M. (2012)  Social Constructionism and Ludology: Implications for the Study of Games.  Simulation & Gaming 43, 3.  300-320.

Mood, A.M. and R.D. Specht (1954)Gaming as a Technique of Analysis.  Santa Monica: Rand Corporation

Moseley, A. (2013)  Learning in Context Through Games:  Towards a New Typology.   in  Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning.  (V. de Carvalho, P. Escudeiro, eds.)   Porto, Portugal:  Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.    409-417.

Mozier, J., J. Lean, M. Towler and C. Abbey. (2009)  Simulations and Games: Overcoming the Barriers to their Use in Higher Education.   Active Learning in Higher Education 10, 3.  207-214.

Pearce, C. (2004)  Towards a Game Theory of Game.  In  First Person: New Media as Story, Performance and Game.  (P. Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, eds.) Cambridge MA: MIT Press.  143-153.

Perla, P.  (1990)  The Art of Wargaming:  A Guide for Professionals and Hobbyists.  Annapolis: Naval Institute Press.

Perla, P. and ED McGrady (2011) Why Wargaming Works.   Naval War College Review 64, 3.  111-130.

Perla, P. (2015)  Why Wargaming?    Presentation at Connections Netherlands  September, 2015.

Sabin, P.  (2012)  Simulating War:  Studying Conflict Through Simulation Games.   London: Continuum.

Sabin, P. (2016)   Wargames as an Academic Instrument.  in  Zones of Control:  Perspectives on Wargaming   (P. Harrigan, and M. Kirschenbaum, eds) Cambridge: MIT Press.  429-438.

Sabin, P. (2017)   Wargames as an Academic Instrument.   University of Edinburgh (online lecture)    (March 3, 2017)

Wasserman, J. and J. Banks  (2017)  Details and Dynamics: Mental Models of Complex Systems in Game-Based Learning.  Simulation & Gaming 48, 5.  603-624.

Whitton, N. and A. Moseley (eds)  (2102)    Using Games to Enhance Learning and Teaching.  New York:  Routledge.

Whitton, N. and A. Moseley  (2014)   Deconstructing Engagement:  Rethinking Involvement in Learning.  Simulation & Gaming  45, 4-5.  433-449.

Wong, J. (2016)  Wargaming in Professional Military Education: A Student’s Perspective.  The Strategy Bridge   July 2016  (

Woods, S. (2012)  Eurogames: The Design, Culture and Play of Modern European Boardgames. Jefferson NC: McFarland.

Zagal, J.P., J. Rick and I. Hsi (2006)   Collaborative Games: Lessons Learned from Board Games.  Simulation & Gaming 37, 1.  26-40.

Zimmerman, E. (2004)  Narrative, Interactivity, Play, and Games:  Four Naughty Concepts in Need of Discipline.  In  First Person: New Media as Story, Performance and Game.  (P. Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, eds.) Cambridge MA: MIT Press.  154-164.