Pierre Desrochers

Institute for Management & Innovation announces interim director

Sarah Jane Silva

The University of Toronto Mississauga’s Institute for Management & Innovation has announced the appointment of Pierre Desrochers as interim director, following the departure of inaugural director Hugh Gunz in June.

Currently an associate professor in UTM’s Department of Geography, Desrochers' research and teaching activities focus primarily on economic development, technological innovation, entrepreneurship, international trade, business-environment and business-university interactions. His other areas of expertise include intellectual property, and urban and housing policy.

Desrochers recently co-authored The Locavore’s Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000-Mile Diet (2015). He has also published over 200 op-eds and columns in publications such as The American, Salon.com, The Daily Beast, Spiked!, The Globe and Mail, the National Post, Reader's Digest (Canada), L'AGEFI, LeMonde.fr, major Quebec newspapers and several Quebec-based electronic outlets.

In addition to directing the institute, he will continue teaching in the winter.