Temporal changes in the benthic invertebrate community of Lake Simcoe, 1983-2008

This week we celebrate the work of former undergraduate student Andrea Jimenez, former Ph.D. student Michael Rennie (Sprules’ lab), and former M.Sc. student Jake La Rose (Collins lab).

Their paper recently appeared in a special issue of Journal of Great Lakes Research. In this paper they examined how changes in nutrient loading and the invasion of dreissenid mussels (i.e. Zebra and Quagga Mussels) in Lake Simcoe during the last 80 years has impacted the benthic community.

Michael Rennie now works as a Research Scientist with the Federal Dept of Fisheries and Oceans in Winnipeg, and Jale La Rose is a Biologist with OMNR. Andrea’s whereabouts are unknown.

Congratulations on this exciting paper!

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