Plastid genome evolution in mycoheterotrophic Ericaceae

Thomas Braukmann
We close out May by focusing on the research of Thomas Braukmann, a Ph.D. student in the Stefanović Lab.

Thomas’ paper was recently published in Plant Molecular Biology. In this paper Thomas examines the evolution of mycorrhizal associations between autotrophs (plants that make and acquire all of their own resources) and mycoheterotrophic plants in the heather family (Ericaceae), which receive part of their water and nutrients from autotrophs through fungal intermediates. Thomas shows that this evolution of mycorrhizal relationships has evolved at least twice in the Ericaceae, and this evolution has been associated with the loss and down-regulation of numerous photosynthetic genes, following a pattern similar to that seen parasitic plants that form haustoria on their hosts.

Great job, Thomas!

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