Morphology of the palate and braincase of Dimetrodon milleri

drawings of Dimetrodon
Kirstin Brink
Do you ever wonder where mammals came from? What our ancient ancestors might have looked like? Our own students have the answer. Ph.D. student Kirstin Brink (Reisz Lab) recently published “Morphology of the palate and braincase of Dimetrodon milleri” in Historical Biology. This paper describes the best-preserved palate and braincase of Dimetrodon. This is not just another paleontological discovery, however. Based on the phylogenetic position of Dimetrodon, Kirstin’s results have implications for future analyses examining the evolutionary relationships of early synapsids, the group that gave rise to therapsids and Mammalia.

Keep up the great work, Kirstin!

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