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ANT 102H5 Summer 2006



Web Site with link to online version of this syllabus:  http://www.utm.utoronto.ca/~w3hmlmil

Course CCNet page:  http://ccnet.utoronto.ca/20065/ant102h5f/


Lecture:  Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Room 205 North Building

Tutorials:  Thursday  1-3 or 3-5, Room 172 North Building


Instructor:  Dr. Heather M.-L. Miller

Anthropology, University of Toronto at Mississauga

Email:   hmiller 'at' utm.utoronto.ca      Office:   Room 208 North Building         Phone:  905-828-3741

Office Hours:   Tuesday & Thursday  2:30-3:30


Teaching Assistant:  Laurie Zadnik

Email:  laurie.zadnik 'at' utoronto.ca    Office:  To Be Announced

Office Hours:  By appointment



Course Description

In this course we survey how people around the world interact, think, and communicate.  These questions are addressed by two subfields of anthropology.  Sociocultural anthropology is the comparative study of human behaviour.  It focuses on culture, or socially learned information that shapes thought and action, and on the ways people organize themselves in social groups.  Linguistic anthropology is the comparative study of language in various social and cultural contexts.

As we will be covering a great deal of information, students must attend all lectures and tutorials, and complete all of the readings.  Lectures, films, tutorials and readings will provide overlapping material, but students are responsible for all material covered in any of these formats.



Required Course Materials   (Available at UTM Bookstore)

(1) Lenkeit, Roberta Edwards

2003.  Introducing Cultural Anthropology.  2nd Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

ISBN: 0-07-282025-X, paperback.

(2) Hickerson, Nancy Parrott

2000. Linguistic Anthropology. 2nd Edition.  Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.

ISBN:   0-15-505178-4,  paperback.

Expectations, Policies, and Common Courtesy

Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes, including lectures and tutorials.

Punctuality: You are expected to arrive and be settled in your seat by the beginning of class or tutorial and to remain until the end of class.  Unless you become ill, do not begin packing up books or stand to leave before the end of class or tutorial, because this is distracting to all.  If you know you cannot stay for the entire period, please sit near the door and leave very quietly.

Courtesy in Class: Every student is expected to pay close attention in the lecture or film.  Refrain from talking during lectures and films, except to ask or respond to a question from the instructor.  Even quiet talking is distracting and disrespectful for your fellow students and your instructor. Turn off pagers and mobile phones.  In tutorials, your undivided attention and courtesy is also expected; however, this is your opportunity to discuss what you are learning in class with your TA and one another.  You are encouraged to thoughtfully ask and answer questions, but please, no confidential, whispered conversations.  Anything you say should be directed to the class as a whole.

Email Communication:  Emailing with your professor or TA is a form of professional communication.  Please write courteously and clearly; do not use text-messaging abbreviations or slang.  Please clearly indicate your questions or concerns.  Be sure to provide a summary of the email topic in the Subject line (do not just write 'Hi' or leave the Subject blank, or your email may be rejected as junk mail by the UTM server).  You should ALWAYS use your UTM email address if at all possible -- the UTM server regularly rejects hotmail accounts as potential spam. 

Evaluation & Requirements


The marked work for this course will consist of tutorial participation (12.5%), a mid-term test (25%), a final examination (35%), and an essay or short paper reviewing an ethnography chosen by the student (2.5% + 25%).  The total marked work will be worth 400 points, or 100%.



To foster preparation for active discussion, your teaching assistant will expect you to bring two neatly handwritten questions or comments to each tutorial, one on the lecture and one on the readings. 

Each student should write his/her own questions independently -- copying each other constitutes the academic offense of unauthorized aid or plagiarism.

When studying your readings and your lecture notes, prepare questions about any particular items that seemed especially puzzling to you, and raise these questions in tutorial.  Items can be anything: a statement, the location, a name, the situation, a conflict, an irony, etc.  "How" or  "Why" questions are especially useful, because they encourage more thought and discussion.  In tutorials, your task is not merely to ask questions of the teaching assistant, but also to respond to questions raised by others in your class in a thoughtful way. 

Your two questions will be handed in for attendance records.  The TA will not answer them in writing; to find the answer, you need to ask them in class.  To receive a good grade for participation in tutorials you must not only come to virtually all classes, but also regularly contribute to discussions by raising questions and comments orally and respond to points brought up by others in class. 

Participation is worth 50 points or 12.5% of the course grade.



Both the mid-term and final exams will consist of multiple choice questions on ALL materials presented in the class and discussed in tutorial (readings, lectures, AND films).

The mid-term will be worth 100 points or 25% and the final will be worth 140 points or 35%, for a total of 240 points or 60% of the course grade.

The final exam will be cumulative, although material presented after the mid-term will be more heavily covered.



Avoid missing an exam - the procedure for taking a make-up exam is strictly regulated by the university, and these policies will be followed in all cases.  Please notify the instructor by email or phone as soon as possible if you miss an exam.

     * For the Mid-term Exam, see Section 7.9 "Term Tests" in the UTM Calendar for 2005-2006.  A valid doctor's excuse or similar university-approved excuse will be required to take the make-up for the mid-term.  ONE makeup will be given for the mid-term, the week after the regular exam.   All makeup exams will be short answer format only, not multiple choice.

     * For the Final Exam, see Section 7.14 "Examinations" in the UTM Calendar for 2005-2006.  You will have to submit a petition to Registrarial Services, among other requirements, and re-take the exam during the Deferred Examinations Period (possibly Feb. 2007 during Reading Week, or as otherwise scheduled by the university).   All makeup exams will be short answer format only, not multiple choice.



The two assignments related to your essay will be worth a total of 27.5% (110 points).

All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the dates specified in the class schedule (below).

The essay will be composed of two stages of marked work:

    (1) library searching and submission of 5 titles of appropriate ethnographies -- 2.5% (10 points)

Submit five titles of ethnographies you would like to read for your essay, in order of your choice, IN THE SPECIFIED American Anthropologist FORMAT.  This stage is worth only 2.5% (10 points), but if it is not submitted, students may not progress to the next stage.  If the titles submitted are not in the specified format, that used by the journal American Anthropologist, no credit will be given.  Each student must do a different ethnography; in case of duplicate requests, a coin will be tossed to determine who gets their first choice, etc.  You may submit titles early, in which case I will indicate to the class that the title is taken.

    (2) a final essay, well researched and well written, on the ethnography approved - 25% (100 points)

See the separate, detailed instructions on how to write this essay; if your essay is not in the format specified, no credit may be given.  Also review Appendix A of your textbook by Lenkeit on how to read an ethnography

****More information on the assignments is available on the Essay Instructions handout.****


Regulations for Essay Assignments

(1) Late assignments will lose 2 marks per calendar day, including weekends.  1 mark will be deducted for assignments turned in after the first hour of class on the date due, even if the assignment is turned in on the due date.  It is your responsibility to turn in late assignments to the instructor in her office, at her convenience.

(2) When you hand in your essay assignments, you must sign the submission form. This form will be available on the due date during class, or by special arrangement in advance with the instructor. DO NOT submit your assignment to the secretary nor to anyone else in the Department of Anthropology. DO NOT slide your assignment under the instructor's office door.  The assignment has not been officially submitted until you sign the submission form.  You are also advised to make a copy of your assignments before submitting them.

(3) You may work with other students in preparing for assignments, but what you submit must be your own work.  You are encouraged to discuss questions together, or share source materials, or recommend readings and web sites.  However, as everyone in the class will have a different book for their essay, your essays should be quite different.

(4) Academic Honesty:  Please be especially careful to avoid plagiarism, which is a serious academic offence.  Carefully read the section under "Citations" in the Essay Instructions.  Be sure to cite ideas as well as direct quotations, even if these ideas are paraphrased.  All quotes should be either in quotation marks or indented if longer than two sentences.

Essays in which plagiarism is detected will be severely penalized.  For more details, see Section 7.11 "Academic Honesty" and Section 11.2 "Discipline Codes: The Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters" in the UTM Calendar for 2005-2006.  It is your responsibility to be familiar with this code, and adhere to it.  Be sure to read the link to the information on plagiarism on the web site, http://www.utoronto.ca/writing/plagsep.html .




Class Schedule







T  May 16

Introduction to Lectures & Essay

Anthropology & Subfields; Definitions

- Library Orientation by Pam King



Th  May 18

Discovering Culture
Fieldwork in Anthropology

Film - Ishi: The Last Yahi (56 min)

[L xxix-xxxv, 1-73] 'To the Student'; Chapter 1: Anthropology; Chapter 2: Culture; Chapter 3: Fieldwork



Th  May 18

Introduction to Tutorials & Assignments

Discuss Lectures, Film, and Readings

- Fieldwork Experiences Lecture

[L A1-A5] Appendix A: Reading Ethnographies


T  May 23

Language: Nature and Origins

Film - Nova: In Search of the First Language (60 min)

[L 74-93] Chapter 4: Language

[H 1-50] Preface; Chapter 1: Language


Th May 25

Ethnography Title Due at start of class

Language Socialization

Language Description

[H 51-120] Chapter 2: Language Acquisition & Socialization; Chapter 3: A World of Languages



Th May 25

Discuss Essay Assignment

Discuss Lectures, Film, and Readings

- Academic Skills Orientation

Review: [L A1-A5] Appendix A: Reading Ethnographies


T May 30

Language Change

Linguistic Relativity

[H 121-188] Chapter 4: Language and History; Chapter 5: Language and Culture


Th  June 1

Language and Social Behaviour

Film - Huchoosedah: Traditions of the Heart (57 min)

[H 189-257] Chapter 6: Sociolinguistics and the Ethnography of Speaking; Chapter 7: Language Maps and Classifications



Th June 1

Return Ethnography titles (approval)

Discuss Lectures, Film, and Readings

Review for Midterm



T  June 6

Midterm Test


Review All Readings and Class Notes to Date


Th June 8

Human Ecology

Economic Anthropology

Film - The Netsilik Eskimo: Fight for Life (51 min)

[L 95-133] Chapter 5: Subsistence




Th June 8

Film - Asante Market Women (52 min)

Discuss Lecture, Films, and Readings -- compare Netsilik & Asante cultures to your own



T  June 13

Marriage, Family, and Household

Kinship and Descent Systems

Film - Modern Brides: Arranged Marriages in South India (30 min)

[L 134-183] Chapter 6: Marriage, Family & Residence; Chapter 7: Kinship and Descent


Th  June 15

Essay Assignment due at start of class

Gender and Sexuality

Political Organization

Film - Ongka's Big Moka (52m)

[L 184-230] Chapter 8: Gender and Sexuality; Chapter 9:  Political Order



Th  June 15

Return Midterm Test

Discuss Lectures, Films, and Readings

Kinship Exercise  (bring your textbook)



T  June 20

Anthropology of Religion

Human Creativity and Expressions

Film - The Asmat of New Guinea (30 min)

[L 232-280] Chapter 10: Belief Systems; Chapter 11: Expressions: Is this Art?


Th  June 22

Cultural Change and the Future

Applying Anthropology

Film - The Navigators (58 min)

[L 284-319] Chapter 12: Cultural Change; Chapter 13: Applying Anthropology



Th  June 22

Discuss Lectures, Film, and Readings

Review for Final Exam

If time:  Film - Anthropologists at Work (36 min)




FINAL EXAM   (week of June 26-30)

Review All Readings and Class Notes